Two Poems

by Kushal Poddar

On The Complex Illogical Hypothesis

The waiting period of the puzzle pieces
elongates unevenly; now A may cross B
and meet at the point C; now those arrière-pensée
will conglomerate and succeed in upholding
the predictions and predestined sooths.

I gather one piece, and think, “Now where did
I place the other pieces?” A slow car runs down
a withered red balloon. Hello to Mrs Snyder.
“Where are you?” The following piece screams silently.
Somewhere between the truths I am. We are.
Rain oozing out of the tips of the monsoon clouds.
The road lies wet. The tire-mark shows a path.

The Behaviour Pattern of the Illusions

Midnight shakes me awake
just before I fall asleep,
and I move the window’s curtain a bit,
see five of our neighbours
sitting in our front yard looking at my house.

I have a gun by my imagination.
I keep it locked in my conscience.
The summer whistles as the dark
reaches the boiling point.

And then, in the same night
I open the curtain with all my might;
my muscles ache and ring;
I find nothing but the darkness outside.
No one faces me when I feel
the strength to face them.

An author and a father, Kushal Poddar, edited a magazine – ‘Words Surfacing’, authored seven volumes including ‘The Circus Came To My Island’, ‘A Place For Your Ghost Animals’, ‘Eternity Restoration Project- Selected and New Poems’ and ‘Herding My Thoughts To The Slaughterhouse-A Prequel’. His works have been translated in ten languages.
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